These two better not be Monkeying around. There real business at the moment is monkey business and they had better shine. That's right George... Monkey Shines.
Tomorrow will be a special presentation of a Creatures of Habit comic because that is all I have in stock to upload. At this time when I would usually put something up for Saturday and Sunday I have nothing. Hopefully by the time you read this I will have some comics. (If I can ever get out of the library and go home to start drawing). I really don't know what kind of turns the story will take next week because I haven't written or drawn the comics yet but somewhere in my mind I see Crusher, Buster, Hank, Shirley, and possibly Senator Rebate.... along with maybe the Colonel forming an alliance to keep the MIG from takin' Shirley. I might have to make an appearance somewhere myself and bring along Kurt and Burt to boot.
All options are open since I have no Idea where to go from here. I am pretty sure that Winston the Wise and Warren The Weather Wolf will not take part in this continuing but bogged down saga.
I am sure this is a case of TMI but hey... It didn't cost y'all nothin'.