Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Is Crusher's life really in danger?
Do you think Mildred is still harboring strong feelings for Crusher?
Now that the Health care Plan has passed do you already feel better?
Did you know they have to put food coloring in margarine to make it yellow?


  1. She needs to let that aggression go.

  2. I think she is letting it go but she is aiming it at Crusher.

  3. She does know she has to leave the confines of the house to hunt things down? Doesn't she? Ha,ha,ha.

  4. Dan- I don't think either of them really want to be free.
    MJ- Great point. I don't think this is a real plan. It is just one of those fantasies that bring so much joy to people who are wrapped in their own little shell.

  5. Hahaha! I've got this mental image of Mildred with a branch stuck in her hair and wearing camouflage - all crouched down behind a bush and looking particularly ... unhappy! :)

  6. (Somehow your comment didn't post so I pasted it here.)

    Hahaha! I've got this mental image of Mildred with a branch stuck in her hair and wearing camouflage - all crouched down behind a bush and looking particularly ... unhappy! :)

    She would have to hide behind the chair though because she never leaves the house.

  7. That's the kinda street divorce my wife believes in, I think.

  8. lol. I find myself looking to avoid having to put in certain efforts many a time.


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