Monday, July 13, 2009

Spackling and Grouting?

Painting Plumbing Pruning

Dear Hank,
My husband took two weeks vacation to remodle the upstairs but he has spent the whole first week in the bathroom spackling and grouting. Is there any way he can finish the whole job in two weeks?
Puzzeled in Pickens

Dear Puzzled,
I had that once myself. Sounds to me like a bad mess of greens. It could just be one of 'em viruses though but in either case I don't think he will be able to finish the job in two weeks. I wouldn' use that upstairs bathroom for a while if I was you.


  1. You might catch a spackled grout. (or was that trout?)

  2. Dear Hank,

    My son's truck has 2 flats and a flat spare. Is it really totaled or could it be fixed?

    My husband seems to think it is beyond repair.

    Please advise.


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