Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Other Good Stuff

Hi, I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin'.
Sometimes we power bloggers just assume that everyone knows how to negotiate their way around our sites. I ain't insinuatin' that ya'll are stupid but if someone don't tell you something you just might not know.
If you move over an look at the right side of the page you can see that the first thing there is Bo Lumpkin Movies. You can click on that and it takes you to the site where I store the finished product of Gatorhead Productions.
Then you will see that my list of blog links has increased. You can click on these links and they will take you to some pretty good stuff.
Most of you are familiar with Rambler. Rambler is a veritable genius with words and he is downright humorous. He is also an extremely nice person and I have grown to like him just as much as if he were a Southerner.
Wisdom For Living is by Ron Scarbro. Ron is a newspaper columnist and writes some powerful political commentary that is filled with conservative ideas and the plain truth about things. If you haven't checked it out, look at it and go through some of his post and I am sure you will enjoy them. He also seems to be a pretty nice fellow even if he did move from the South to the cold country.
JBSTUFF is by Jeremy Burkes, a good friend of mine who is just starting to draw comics. He has only been working on this for about two months and I think he is doing a good job. Check out his stuff and leave him a comment or two and encourage him. We need folks who will produce good clean humor on the internet.
The votes have been pouring in for the Gator Awards. One or two pours in about every day and people are taking my advice and voting early and often. The next category is Comic Monologues.
The nominees are:
Bo Lumpkin
Warren the Weather Wolf
Ya'll leave me a comment or send me an email to bo@bolumpkin.com or bolumpkin@gmail.com.
I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin', ain't this internet stuff a real hoot for some of us old geezers who ain't got much else to do?


  1. Thanks for adding my blog to yours. I hope that your many readers will visit my site and enjoy my take on the situation of the world today. I have been accused of being a little sarcastic but I try to remain respectful of the people I write about. I enjoy your blog Bo as well as the devotionals on the Shilo site. Thanks again,
    Ron Scarbro

  2. Thanks for your kind comments. Because of your attaching my blog to yours, I have seen a lot of activity in your state.

  3. I'm there and love comments on my comments and sarcasm doesn't bother me, it lets me know when I've gone too far.


Leave me a comment. I like feedback.