Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have been trying to spend some time improving my artwork and the look of my comics. This one took me all of Thursday afternoon so I would be able to post it Friday with this week's posts.
While I am trying to improve my drawing and comic layout skills I don't want to sacrifice the writing. Hope y'all enjoy this little experiment.
By the way Creatures of Habit will be on Thursday and Friday of this week. We at Gatorhead Comics are thinking of upgrading our schedule and making some major changes in scheduling in the future. I will try to keep everyone posted in the mean time. (I have even thought about taking a hiatus until I get the new studio ready and maybe getting some HTHM comics way ahead of time so that I might up the schedule on them. I am afraid that posting them only twice a week kind of makes the story line drag out.
Come back tomorrow when Crump finally gets to go to lunch.


  1. I am thinking all that remodel job needs is a new hole

  2. Will the remodeling include a two stall?

  3. Bearman and A: I'm thinkin' something a little more elaborate. I will work on it until next Tuesday and then reveal the results of the makeover.

  4. Well that remodeling job stinks. Ha,ha,ha.

  5. I'm impressed. The cabin looks great and the whole layout was nicely done. I can see why it took a long time to complete. It is a great gag as well.
    P.S. Just found out you are on twitter finally. It really is a great tool to let your readers know when you publish anything, it'll also help you network with fellow cartoonists. With only 140 characters to express yourself it is also is good practice for writing dialog for toons and keep it small enough to go into the baloons.

  6. MJ- Yeah, you sure don't want to be downwind from it.
    Barry- Thanks. I am hoping to increase the quality of my whole strip in future. I might not get to with some of the future comics since I keep about a months worth in the buffer most of the time.

  7. I completely agree with Barry - very impressive strip, Bo! You can really see all the effort that you've put into it (looks great)! :)

  8. Thanks Robert. I am really trying to work on my artwork. I have only been drawing for about a year and a half and I have a lot of catching up to do for an old man.

  9. I think I'd rather work in the attic on this one instead of the basement. :D

  10. Hey Bo the strip looks good. Bout time that poor man gets something to eat.

  11. Great stuff Bo . . . figuratively, not literally!


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