Monday, July 26, 2010

Bo Is Having His Head Examined

Hi y'all I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin'.

Well actually the problem is that I ain't been thinkin' real clearly lately. I have been havin' some dizzy spells, some concentration problems and problems with my memory.

For years folks around here have been tellin' me I need to have my head examined. I had it examined twice this week. I had a CT scan and that came back clear... I don't know if clear means it is okay or that they didn't find a brain. I had another scan Friday where they pumped dye in me and scanned my brain again. They told me it might make me feel like I was wetting my pants. What made them think I knew what it felt like to wet my pants? My mind ain't that bad yet.

I am waiting to hear from the results of that scan... hopefully today!

Due to the fact that I have been spendin' most of my time runnin' between doctor's offices and places to have my head examined I have did not have a chance to upload my comics and other stuff to the internet. I will try to upload some of them this week but my postin' might be a little eratic.

I also have not had a chance to visit all my friends' websites and leave comments the way I would like to. I am hopin' that this week everything will get back to normal by the end of the week and that I will have everything back to normal on Monday.

If you are on my email list that might really be messed up until next week. I thank you all for your patience.

BTW... I am feeling much better than I felt last week. I just might be getting CRS disease... Can't Remember Stuff.



  1. Hope everything turns out ok with your head...pissy pants.

  2. Thanks Bearman... I didn't actually get that sensation, not that I would have recognized it.

  3. finally, looks like we are all on a level playing ground here bo.. we all have CRS Disease too!

  4. Sorry to hear about the doctors that can be stressful. It's Monday so hope you are getting good news.

  5. I am having trouble leaving comments on my site. Sometimes I have to sign in as anonymous
    but when I do I will sign my name.
    Lynn- I replied with something witty but I lost the comment and forgot what it was.
    Starla- It is Monday.. I woke up... that in itself is good news. Haven't heard from the doc yet though.

  6. I hope and pray that everything turns out fine, Bo!

  7. I hope that things go as well as can be expected when there's a doctor's office involved! Wishing you the best, my friend! :)


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