Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Will life get better for Hank?
Will someone eventually come looking for Shirley?
What happens when you try to chew regular gum with dentures?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Business As Usual

Will Hank, Buster and Shirley be happier doing what they are used to doing?
Will they be able to unclog City Hall so that government can continue to function?
Are soap operas and newspapers soon to be a thing of the pass?

Check out Gatorhead

Since I have some new readers I decided to post some of my older writing on the Gatorhead site. You can read it by clicking on the button below:

More Rednecks. More Fun.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Will Hank solve the state's budget problems?
Will Hank be able to do anything about Healthcare?
Will Buster be elected to the Senate?
How does a childproof medicine bottle know how old you are?

Monday, January 18, 2010


Just to bring ya'll up to date. Hank's business has been suffering a little because Elmer, his former helper, has been undercutting his prices. Now business is slow.

Will Hank lose his business?
Will Buster wind up on Madison Avenue?
Would I be better off as a Handy Man rather than a cartoonist?

Keep comin' back for the answers to these and other questions. Don't forget to leave a comment

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey Ya'll, I posted another new article on the Gatorhead site about Leonard Gilmore and his adventures in the city. Don't forget to check that out.

More Rednecks. More Fun.

Not Yet

The Hank the Handy Man Series will return next Wednesday. The 500th Celebration kind of threw everything out of balance.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

501st Post

Today I included everyone that I left out yesterday, I think. I look forward to the next 499 and I appreciate your encouragement and help along the way.

Monday, January 11, 2010

500th Post

500th Strip

Hi y'all, I've been gettin' prepared for this posting.

I would have liked to have postponed it because it kind of snuck up on me. I won't be around today to respond to any comments because of a prior committment but I'll be back online tomorrow. Instead of drawing a bunch of new stuff I wanted to give everyone a look at the old characters. (Some of them didn't make today's strip so you will have to come back tomorrow for the 501st posting.

This has been a learning experience for me and I hope I have learned enough to make the next 500 better than the first.

I reckon I ought to give you a little play by play on the characters.
The first panel is me and Boomer. Boomer appears more in my writing than in my comics.

The second panel is R.E. and Dee Cline. R.E. is our resident couch potato and he came along sometimes last year during March Madness. He hasn't made many appearences lately but I am hoping to reintroduce him. Not only does he appear in comics but he also writes a guest column.

Aunt Edna kind of makes cameo appearances when there is a smart aleck remark that doesn't fit Mildred that well.

Mildred in the Morning has a dual role. She is Hank's sister and Buster's mother in the Hank The Handy Man Series. She is a recluse with the most negative attitude imaginable and she pretty much verbally abuses everyone, especially Buster.

Burt and Kurt are just like thousands of other men who congregate in public places and discuss the problems of the world.

Buster and the monkey Shirley, work for Hank The Handy Man. They usually appear on Monday and Wednesday but this week is a little different.

The Ladies are Gatorhead's resident Gossips and they talk about their husbands, neighbors, and anyone else that they think of.

The last panel is local legend Colonel Beauregard J. Southbound, Confederate Air Force, Retired. It that doesn't cause you to have some questions then you ain't thinkin'.

More will be revealed about the Col. and his history in the comics and in the articles of future posts.

Thanks for sharing my 500th post with me, (and it would be mighty helpful if you would share it with others). I hope to be back online tomorrow with another large strip featuring the characters that I left out today.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Why Did I Do That

Hey y'all, don't forget to check back here Monday, January 11th. That will be my 500th post and I have a special post scheduled for that day! Be sure and tell all your friends about it and come back and check it out.

I have been away from an internet connection for a few days and will be away again until Tuesday. I don't want my friends and readers to think I am ignoring you. I do want you to

help make my 500th post special though so leave me a comment.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Payment Calendar

Hey y'all, don't forget to check back here Monday, January 11th. That will be my 500th post and I have a special post scheduled for that day! Be sure and tell all your friends about it and come back and check it out.

I have been away from an internet connection for a few days and will be away again until Tuesday. I don't want my friends and readers to think I am ignoring you. I do want you to
help make my 500th post special though so leave me a comment.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Til It Runs Out

Will Buster ever be a good Handy Man helper?
Will Shirley inherit the business someday?
Will the media ever learn that when the public gets tired of a story that it is no longer news?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Special Announcement

Hey folks, I am being featured as a guest writer today on Tracy Brady's excellent Blog which is usually filled with great advice for Webcomic producers and bloggers alike. Check out my article by going to Thanks Tracy for sharing my pitiful advice with the world.

Read About Leonard's New Job

Some of my readers have been asking for more writing and I have a few articles that I am going to post this week. They will be at I will be posting them later on this morning.

More Rednecks. More Fun.

You Are Footing The Bill

Monday, January 4, 2010

Makin' Any Money?

Elmer was mentioned in the first Hank The Handyman strip Job Hunting in September of 2009. He was Hank's helper. His quitting was Hank's reason for hiring Buster. You can check that out at .

Will Elmer succeed as a Handyman?
Since he doesn't understand the concept of profit and loss will Elmer wind up in a government job?
Does everyone's wife decide to vacuum right in the middle of football games?