Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"The Rooster Roost"

Renovation and furnishing of the new Gatorhead Studio and my man cave, the Rooster Roost are coming along great. If I could just get over this mental block I have I could begin using them.
These is a drafting table I picked up at a rummage sale for $8. The wooden filing cabinet was $2.
This is a desk I picked up at a yard sale for $3. I wanted to keep my roll top desk at the other house. I still have a little work to do on it.

This is the Kitchen in my man cave. I will update with more pictures later.

This will be great for napping and watching TV in my man cave. I haven't got around to decorating the wall behind the couch yet.

This is the corner I have been decorating in my man cave, The Rooster Roost, Here are some more of them

I certainly can't blame my productivity on the fact that I don't have a good place to work. Maybe when I get it completely finished the creative juices will begin flowing again.
I have more pictures and I might post some of them later.


  1. Is that Shirley hanging above your couch there? Looks great dude, definitely a very awesome Man Cave.

  2. looks good and productive. lighten up on yourself. enjoy life and share it in your jokes and devotionals. if you need inspiration, it's ok to read someone else's devotional. feed yourself and then you can feed others. If you get in a rut it ain't funny...well sometimes it is but we can laugh at you instead of with you somedays...hey we're family.

  3. Wow!!! Thats a pretty luxurious Man Cave. Even got a kitchen, the closest thing I have to a man cave is the garden shed that is half full of firewood & the rest is taken up with the lawn mower, ladder, gardening tools & other assorted stuff which gives me about 2 square feet left to be my man cave

  4. Nice set-up, Bo! How is your wife ever gonna' convince you to come back outta' there?! :)

  5. That looks great, Bo! It's so man-cozy. It reminds me of my grandfather's part of the house. I felt so safe, comfortable, and happy in his "cave". Way to go, man.

  6. Bo cool cave I love the rooster on the kitchen table. If it was me I would leave the monkey over the couch. Keep up the good work.

  7. Todd- Thanks. After I first drew Shirley my wife started buying me stuffed monkeys at yard sales.
    Sh- Yeah, if you can't make fun of your family who can you make fun of. I'm not havin' trouble with the devotionals... I usually read several a day. It is the comics I have a mental block on.
    Tony- I have been in that same situation before. That is why I am so excited about The Rooster Roost.

  8. Robert- I will come out sometimes because I get lonesome over there by myself. I know I will come out when supper is ready.

    George-I am designing this for me and my grandson. I gave him a choice of names and he picked The Rooster Roost. This is our man cave, not just mine.
    JB- You are right. I don't think I need to let the monkey hang over the table.


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