Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Coyote Logic


  1. "Night howls" what a hoot!

  2. Doggone it, they've got it all worked out. They do it so we don't have to. What considerate creatures

  3. I know a lot of people that do things with no idea why...

  4. It's a high-pitched job, but some creature of habbit's got to do it! :)

  5. I don't know bout any of the rest of you but I have done my share of howling at the moon myself. But that was because I lost my minde and stop listning to my voices. But I'm ok now. I hade a long talk with them and told them I would never do that again. Anyway I like howling at the moon.

  6. Is there some way to get them in tune though? Just asking.

  7. Steve and MJ- It is a hoot! I love it.
    Tony- Us humans can't do everything can we.
    Annymous- Don't we all?
    Robert-It is rather upscale isn't it?
    JB- Did you forget your medication again?
    Jammer5- They don't know they aren't in tune. See tomorrows comic for more explanation.

  8. I thought they did this because if they didn't, the moon would crash into the earth. Sort of like how I have to stand in the front yard screaming obscenities every evening in order to keep the elephants away.

  9. If that is the case then I reckon I won't complain about the noise anymore. How is it workin' with the elephants?

  10. That kinda makes sense to me. I know a few chickens who like to cause a ruckus in the middle of the night too.

  11. No,no Bo My prescrition ran ran out. I really don't want to talk about. But thank you for your concern.


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