Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Slow Gainer

Be sure and check out for my other site. I am going to be loading some new stuff there that does not appear on this site. Starting next week I will be posting my articles there as well as the comics I have been posting. You can also get there by just clicking on the button Gatorhead at the right of the page.


  1. oouuu! She should try the Grapefruit diet. With 2 hours of cardio and then throw up. It's magic.

    As opposed to the Seefood diet. See food and eat it.

  2. That may be the best diet of all. :) It's probably all you can truly hope for.

  3. I've been waiting almost 30 years to gain enough weight so I don't look like a bean-pole. Of course, tomorrow I'll probably wake up looking like a bean-pole with a spare tire!

  4. Diets are can you eat Oreos on one?? :P

  5. Hey Bo, on your Gatorhead site, you should try out Comicpress for your theme. It's preset for comics. That's what I use on KiDDandGEEZER.


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