I just kind of threw Winston in here because he has been hanging around my slush pile for a couple of months and I was afraid he was gettin' impatient. I am thinkin' of usin' some of the stuff that I have had for awhile but didn't have a spot for on weekends. I don't want you weekend visitors to think that you are being slighted though so if you feel that I am letting you down on quality just leave me a comment.
Remember this though, when you produce close to 20 posts per week... "They ain't all goin' to be jewels."
It's nice keeping up with the latest dirt.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your posts, Bo (weekdays and weekends) I don't believe that you have a B-Game, sir! :)
ReplyDeleteWinston's a very considerate lad tracking out all that dirt for his mum
ReplyDeletespitting off the porch bo. I knew a man who stopped on the side of the road...well nevermind
ReplyDeleteThis was another jewel, Bo. Don't let anyone tell you it wasn't.