Friday, October 22, 2010


It has been a busy week around Gatorhead. One thing I have been busy about is enjoying some time just doin' what I want. I am still working on the "Rooster Roost" (My Man Cave) and turning part of it into a studio. I just ain't tryin' to kill myself doin' it. I haven't been drawin' a lot this week because of bein' busy doin' other stuff. I have comics posted on the Gatorhead site at through next Tuesday. I hope to get some drawin' and cartoonin' done this weekend but who knows.

I enjoy visitin' and interactin' with other folks on the internet... maybe sometimes to the point that I become a pest. That's alright too, I'm gettin old and you need to make allowances for us old codgers. I like it when you leave comments. I like it when you tweet and put my stuff on facebook. I especially like for other cartoonists to leave comments and I like to leave comments on their sites.

I have cut back to pace that I enjoy. I have also developed a new attitude. I am me. I hope you like me and like my stuff. It don't make much difference.. I still like you and I like a lot of y'all's stuff. If I can help promote your comic or blog I am going to do so.

I don't know if it is proper or not and I might not have enough traffic to make it worth your while but I would sure like some guest strips from folks to help me get over my slump. The only requirement is that this is a PG site and it is closer to a G-rated site. I ain't smart enough to know how big to tell you to make it but it has to be uploadable on wordpress blog page.

I'm at the library now uploading what stuff I have ready + a week of devotionals for my church. I am going home and I think I might work on comics...after my nap.


  1. I think I envy your life, Bo. You've got the right attitude. Don't worry about slumps. The internet will still be here when you catch up.

    I want my own Man Cave.

  2. I am looking forward to finishin' the man cave. My wife says I am goin' to have to keep it clean though. I can do that. Really I can.

  3. Oh... and as far as envying my life. I usually feel sorry for anybody that ain't me.

  4. Man Cave, I want a man cave too. The spare bedroom is our computer room so that's the closest to a man cave but Michelle uses the computer too. I think a "No Women" sign on the door would not be well received. You can be a pest at my blog anytime you like.

  5. I have a man cave but my wife keeps trying to redecorate it.

  6. When you come out of your cave, we'll be waiting.
    You're getting very close to the 20,000 visitors mark.

  7. Bearman- Rule no.1 about a mancave. Don't let the women redecorate.
    Steve- I am still posting every day on the Gatorhead site and I will be posting some blogs on here.

  8. Naps are good and being yourself is always a good thing. Don't know much about man caves, I do know a little bit about tree forts. I know a good new budding cartoonist maybe for a guest post his stuff is G rated I'm pretty sure. My vote would be Tony from Tazmania.

  9. Count me in, Bo! I'm planning a guest comic for you since you were more than gracious enough to answer my plea. It would be an honor.


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