Monday, November 23, 2009

Heeerrreees Shirley

Will Shirley find her place with Mildred and Buster?
Will Mildred rub Buster's face in the mess in the floor?
Did you ever think of buying forever stamps for your kids while they are young to pay their way through college?
Hi y'all, I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinking'.
My wife and spend a lot of time on weekends going to rummage, yard, carport, garage, and about any other kind of junk sale anyone has. She collects tea pots, dolls, and crystal. I mostly just collect dust and do the heavy lifting' and drivin' unless I find somethin' I can't live without.
Last weekend I found a sewing machine for $5. I just couldn't pass that up. This weekend I found another one for $ 6 and I couldn't pass it up either. This might sound like a good deal but there is a problem. I don't know nothin' about sewin'. I would get my wife to teach me but she don't know no more than I do.
I like to practice what I been preachin' about bein' able to learn anything you put your mind to, so I reckon I'll learn how. I tried to look up stuff on the internet and got more confused than I was when I started. The first thing I read was about how to thread a bobbin. I thought bobbin' was what the red, red, robin came along doin'.
I ain't learned how yet but I will. I did learn that a ceramic cat will break when you drop it on the pavement. My wife learned something too. I might be alright for the heavy liftin' but not with the breakable stuff.
I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin', I could sure use a good video on how to thread a bobbin'. Watchall been thinkin'? Leave me a comment or send me an email to or


  1. I was going to say something about monkeys and bedrooms but I thought I would keep it clean.

  2. Mildred didn't kill someone. Phew! That was close.

  3. My mom said that when I first moved in with my ex-girlfriend.

  4. I bet you'll be ready to star on Project Runway in no time!


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