Hi, I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin'.
I reckon I've been thinkin' about the economy just like everyone else has. The thing is that I ain't thinkin' about it in the same way as some of them do. I just want to share some of the thoughts I had on the economy and some on stimulus and change.
I read an article in a paper about how gamblin' revenues on the Mississippi River and on the Gulf Coast are down. They took in $237 million in May and only $189 million in June. I don't reckon I look at that as a bad thang. That means that the people who throw their money away gambling lost $48 million less in June than they did in May. The scary part is that I'm afraid the government might try to stimulate the gamblin' by buying chips and sending them out to everyone.
Speakin' of stimulus I feel a little unstimulated as far as the auto industry and the Cash for Clunkers deal goes. I have a 1995 Toyota Corolla with 235,000 miles on it but they won't allow me nothin' on that because it still gets 40 miles to the gallon. That's another case of punishin' the people who have been tryin' to do right all along. Where is the change in that?
Some things still ain't changed much. People are still goin' to the trouble of stealin' stuff that seems harder to steal than workin' for the same amount of money. People are stealin' airconditioners, and elictrical wire to get the copper and melt it down and sell it. It might just be me but since minimum wage went up to $7.50 an hour wouldn't it be easier to work for a fast food resturaunt for about the same amount of money?
Here's a new one afore I quit tellin' you what I've been thinkin. I read another article that said the Knoxville, Tennessee lost more than 30 manhole covers and several storm grated to theives who stole them and sold them for scrap iron. Is it just me or wouldn't just about anybody be a little suspicious of someone who came to a junkyard with Clunker full of manhole covers to sell?
I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin', Change might be the catch phrase of the day but it seems like some things don't never change.Watchall been thinkin'. Leave me a comment or write me an email.
My email address is:
bo@bolumpkin.com or
I reckon I've been thinkin' about the economy just like everyone else has. The thing is that I ain't thinkin' about it in the same way as some of them do. I just want to share some of the thoughts I had on the economy and some on stimulus and change.
I read an article in a paper about how gamblin' revenues on the Mississippi River and on the Gulf Coast are down. They took in $237 million in May and only $189 million in June. I don't reckon I look at that as a bad thang. That means that the people who throw their money away gambling lost $48 million less in June than they did in May. The scary part is that I'm afraid the government might try to stimulate the gamblin' by buying chips and sending them out to everyone.
Speakin' of stimulus I feel a little unstimulated as far as the auto industry and the Cash for Clunkers deal goes. I have a 1995 Toyota Corolla with 235,000 miles on it but they won't allow me nothin' on that because it still gets 40 miles to the gallon. That's another case of punishin' the people who have been tryin' to do right all along. Where is the change in that?
Some things still ain't changed much. People are still goin' to the trouble of stealin' stuff that seems harder to steal than workin' for the same amount of money. People are stealin' airconditioners, and elictrical wire to get the copper and melt it down and sell it. It might just be me but since minimum wage went up to $7.50 an hour wouldn't it be easier to work for a fast food resturaunt for about the same amount of money?
Here's a new one afore I quit tellin' you what I've been thinkin. I read another article that said the Knoxville, Tennessee lost more than 30 manhole covers and several storm grated to theives who stole them and sold them for scrap iron. Is it just me or wouldn't just about anybody be a little suspicious of someone who came to a junkyard with Clunker full of manhole covers to sell?
I'm Bo Lumpkin and I've been thinkin', Change might be the catch phrase of the day but it seems like some things don't never change.Watchall been thinkin'. Leave me a comment or write me an email.
My email address is:
bo@bolumpkin.com or
Feel free to email this to your friends and kin if you want to, just tell them it came from www.bolumpkin.com and maybe they will visit us here in Gatorhead too.
Feel free to email this to your friends and kin if you want to, just tell them it came from www.bolumpkin.com and maybe they will visit us here in Gatorhead too.
Good post. I enjoy your writing as well as the cartoons (or is it car tunes after reading this one?).